Humidifier Services in Washington Court House, OH

Winters here in the Greater Fayette County area aren’t merely frigid. They also result in sometimes incredibly dry air conditions in our homes. Without the proper levels of humidity during the winter, this overly arid air can wreak havoc on our health, cause skin cracking, and result in damage to our furniture, cabinetry, flooring, and other types of wood in our home. If you’ve ever experienced static electricity during the wintertime, this is a sure sign of low levels of humidity.

If you’re a Washington Court House area homeowner looking for a solution to cracked wood floors, dry skin, itchy throats, and more, we at Washington Court House Heating & Cooling have a solution for you.

(740) 281-5312

Indoor Air Quality Services





Air Filters

UV Lights

Aprilaire Humidifier

What is Indoor Air Quality?

While a lot of people believe air pollution is exclusively an outdoor problem, studies actually show the air inside our homes can be far more polluted than even in the biggest most industrialized cities today. To top it off, the average American spends an estimated 90 percent of their time indoors. Because the air indoors often lacks proper filtration, indoor air pollution is something homeowners should take seriously.

The EPA defines Indoor Air Quality as the quality of air inside a building or home and how it relates to the building or home’s occupants. Indoor Air Quality has a direct and sometimes negative effect on our health in addition to our overall mood, well-being and energy levels.

Why is Indoor Air Quality Important?

Health officials say the air we breathe in our homes can be 2 to 5 times more toxic and polluted than the air outdoors, where nature has a way of taking care of it through a host of processes unbeknownst to the average person. When you take into consideration how tightly insulated most homes and workplaces are intentionally made in order to keep treated air inside, it becomes obvious why HVAC experts and health officials suggest some homeowners consider certain indoor air quality products to go in conjunction with their heat pump, furnace or air conditioner.

All too often household air pollution is unable to escape because modern dwellings are fairly airtight. In the confined spaces of a house or office building or work environment, pollutants can get trapped without adequate filtration or the circulation of outdoor air. Even with the HVAC system’s air filter, often these pollutants are merely recirculated. Sometimes, getting a humidifier, dehumidifier or air purifier makes a world of difference, in addition to UV Lights and other air filtration products.

Humidifier Services in Fayette County, OH

How Does it Work?

A humidifier is a device that adds moisture to air in a home or building according to its needs. Humidifiers can be used for a single room, or small area, or for an entire home or building. Whole-home humidifiers can be linked with the fan in your furnace, HVAC system, or air handler to blow humidified air throughout the ductwork and into the home. They can also work independently of your HVAC equipment to maintain humidity levels even when the furnace or air handler isn’t in use as a stand-alone product. Humidifiers are essential in dryer climates, like Ohio’s winter months, when the air dries out in the home to the extent that can aggravate one’s health and even damage the home itself and woodwork inside it. The relative level of humidity should be at least 30 to 35 percent in the home.
Humidifier Services in Washington Court House, OH

Washington Court House Heating & Cooling

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Benefits of Humidifiers

Breathe Cleaner Air with a Humidifier

Living in a dryer winter climate like Ohio, whole-home humidifiers can become a necessary add-on component. Here are 4 benefits of owning a humidifier:

Washington Court House Heating & Cooling

Healthier Pet & Plant Life

We aren’t the only ones affected by winter’s dry air. Our pets and plants living in the home are affected as well. Plant leaves begin to look droopy, and the soil seems dryer than normal. Pets, depending on the type, are affected in other ways. Humidifiers help keep you and your pets and plants healthy.

Washington Court House Heating & Cooling

Reduce the Risk of Illness

Bacteria and viruses can’t travel as well in moist air. It is possible that using a humidifier might prevent you from catching a bug during the cold season. In any case, dry air can cause a host of health-related problems.

Washington Court House Heating & Cooling

Protect Your Furniture

Not enough moisture in your home’s air can cause wood furnishing, woodwork, and wood flooring to crack and even split. Using a humidifier helps preserve the integrity of the wood in your home.

Washington Court House Heating & Cooling

Minimize Static Electricity

With dry winter air in Southern Ohio, there also comes static electricity in the form of shocks that are almost inevitable in some homes during the winter. No one likes a jarring jolt of a static shock or having their clothing stick to them. It’s not good for your electronics either. Using a humidifier helps reduce, if not eliminate, static electricity in your home during winter.

Ready to schedule services? Call us today! (740) 281-5312

Washington Court House Heating & Cooling Presents:

How to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

1.) Replace or Upgrade Air Filters

Keeping your HVAC systems’ air filters replaced on a regular basis is essential for not only indoor air quality, but also in order to get the most out of your system. Furnace filters need to be checked nearly every month during the winter. Additionally, upgrading to a media air filter cabinet will go a long way at cleaning out the air and improving air quality.

2.) Preventative Maintenance

Keeping up on your home comfort systems with maintenance is essential for comfort and air quality because being proactive with this equipment allows it to run smoothly and do its job the way it was designed to do it.

3.) Keep Up with House Cleanings

In addition to keeping rugs and carpets clean to improve air quality, including regular cleaning and vacuuming into your regular routine will go a long way in helping keep your home’s air quality optimal. Doing so prevents this stuff from building up.

Financing Options

Buy Today, Pay Over Time with HVAC Financing

Are you needing to upgrade your home's heating or air conditioning system or need help covering the cost of repairs? Check out our current financing offer. We have partnered with Wells Fargo to offer a credit card1 to help our customers keep their homes comfortable year-round.

HVAC Financing Options in Washington Court House, OH

We Service All Brands

HVAC Services in Washington Court House, OH

Why Choose Washington Court House Heating & Cooling?

Because heating and cooling decisions impact your finances, in addition to your families' health and comfort, it’s important to find an HVAC contractor who understands your needs and will politely walk you through the sometimes troubled waters of home comfort equipment. One who offers special online deals and financing options. It’s also important to make sure you’re doing business with a professional who's NATE-certified, and has a proven track record of customer care and customer satisfaction.

Because our service standard is second-to-none at Washington Court House Heating & Cooling, our customers consistently give us positive feedback in support of our superior Five Star reputation. We are members of the Five Star Heating & Cooling Family. With this being the case, we encourage new customers to verify these reviews and ratings for themselves. This should be done before hiring anyone to work on your valuable HVAC equipment.

We guarantee customer satisfaction above all else on every call, every job we do — no matter how big or small. We provide 24-hour emergency services, 365 days a year, including holidays and weekends. We service, install and repair all the major brands of HVAC equipment, utilizing cutting-edge technology. You will be treated with the utmost care, professionalism and friendliness by a trusted employee of ours who we have vetted, drug tested, and screened above and beyond the state’s requirements. We do this to make sure we are sending you the absolute best the industry has to offer.

When Ohio weather becomes uncomfortable, our products and services at Washington Court House Heating & Cooling become like a breath of fresh air. We have the prices you want, the HVAC services you need and the comfort you deserve. We offer heating when you need it and cooling when you want it — with comfort on call, on demand, day and night.