Why Should Homeowners Turn On Their Furnace Sooner Rather Than Later?

Nov 15, 2021 | Furnace, Blog, Heating, HVAC, Washington Court House, WCH, Winter

In our lovely state of Ohio, our weather seems to change so often that we all may get confused about what season it is. We Ohioans like to call the weather unpredictable. So you may find yourself wanting to turn on your residential furnace when it isn’t quite wintering yet. Or you may be that person that may wait as long as possible to turn on your residential furnace for the winter. However, our excellent experts at Washington Court House Heating & Cooling have compiled a list of the most important reasons to turn on your furnace before the cold winter weather hits. 

1. Testing Your Furnace For Future Use

Checking your furnace may be something you don’t think about as a homeowner because you figure it is all taken care of since it worked last year, right? Well, I am here to tell you that you’ll want to test out your home heating system each year. Just because it worked last year doesn’t bring certainty that it’ll work next year. Doing a test run will do the magic with getting those parts moved for a few minutes. Our experts suggest that it is essential to have reliability, efficiency, and performance throughout the winter season. In addition, be sure you are feeling heated air through all registers throughout your home. 

 2. Broken Parts May Need to Be Replaced 

We all would love to think that our appliances at home will last forever with no issues, but unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. If you hear any noises such as rattling, grinding, clicking, or squealing, it is vital to schedule an appointment with one of our experts at Washington Court House Heating & Cooling. It is one thing if you need to pull the covers up. However, it’s a whole different story if your furnace is working poorly or not working at all. Be sure you hear your furnace kick on so that you can fix the problem early on and avoid purchasing a brand new system. 

3. Test Your Thermostat

Have you ever heard the saying “test the waters”? I love this saying because we need to test things out with many things in life to ensure that things are right for us—for example, something so essential as your thermostat. As a homeowner, you want to make sure that the furnace and thermostat are communicating correctly. Testing your thermostat will boost your confidence by knowing that your furnace is doing what it is supposed to. 

Did you mark your calendar for testing your furnace this winter?

If not, call a professional like us to test this for you. Give us a call and we would love to help! You can reach Washington Court House Heating & Cooling today at (740) 281-5312, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!

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